#174 Gather Energy Easily & Release Stress

#174 Gather Energy Easily & Release Stress


The Kelt guides us in being rooted to the earth in a…
The Elemental helps us experience our own…
The Lady directs us in how to disconnect from the web of …

In this experiential teaching: The Lady points out there is a web of fear and stress all over the world right now. This TuneInward tells us how to drop out of that sticky energy. The Kelt helps us find inner stability and support to make clear decisions.

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The Kelt guides us in being rooted to the earth in a deeper way. A place where we easily receive energy and calm to make our way with clarity in the world.  In this place, we can find genuine kindness the automatically relieves stress in ourselves and others.
The Elemental helps us experience our own connection to our birthright, the earth’s supportive flow. 
The Lady directs us in how to disconnect from the web of fear surrounding our world and how to be a part of dissolving fear. She speaks of transformation and how to cultivate inner power.

In this experiential teaching: The Kelt points out there is a web of fear and stress all over the world right now. This TuneInward tells us how to drop out of that sticky energy and find stability and support to be able to make clear decisions.

 Track 1 - Introduction (3:28)
Track 2 – The Kindness Release (24:51)
Track 3 – The Web of Fear (24:18)
Track 4 – The Power of Spaciousness (7:47)

 Recorded Live on Zoom On November 5th, 2024 in Rock Hill, SC
Features: The Kelt, The Lady & The Elemental
Please listen to the introduction or read the transcript of it included in audio folder for important information. Thank you.

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