What Clients Say...

What clients say about Jennifer Halls' work will give you a better sense of what's possible. She feels privileged and blessed to have these (and many more) sent to her over the years with permission to fully disclose their identity. However, it is her policy to keep the confidentiality of her clients private. Want more details read her success stories.


~C.A., RN, Michigan

"If you really want to grow, call Jennifer Halls. She makes you do your own intuitive work and you’ll love her for it."

~M.W., foundation president, NYC, NY

"...no matter what I say it will never do you or your work justice. You have helped me more than many business consultants I have hired with difficult business situations, as well as in generating creative ideas. Your questions are insightful and your guidance practical and useful. Working with you is a true collaboration at many levels."

T. H., attorney, Washington, DC

"Jennifer Halls is fantastic! She has taught me and continues to teach me ways to access my own intuition. She‘s the ’Mary Poppins’ of Intuitive Coaches. She's magical, but she makes you work to learn it for yourself."

~K. L., author, poet, Charlotte, NC

"Jennifer you are an alchemist of the Spirit --a courageous teacher -- a sculptor of invisible things -- for those of us who know they are there. And a profound midwife of clients' dreams. Bless your work." 

~J.B., director of software development, Greenwich, CT

"Jennifer you helped me to uncover and access another world - a world of ideas, a world of information, a world of guidance, a world of deep knowledge - that was waiting at my fingertips, but just out of reach. You guided me so that I could find my own tools to unlock access to that world. I am inspired by and grateful for your gentle, but persistent guidance."

-D.B., attorney/ founding partner, Charleston, SC

“We call you our ‘life coach’ in public but you know you’re more. Over the years that we’ve worked together, going way out-of-the-box has lead to business success. On a personal level, I say everyone needs some hinky sh*t to get life feeling right.”

~M.V., business owner, Sydney, Australia

“YOU’RE THE BEST!!!  I love your strong, powerful spot-on advice! Just what I was needing this AM. Wowza!”

 ~Joe T. , attorney/partner, Raleigh, NC

"In one hour Jennifer helped our firm more than the two years we spent with a team of consultants that cost over ten grand."

~A.K., assistant comptroller, Chevy Chase, MD

"Working with Jennifer Halls has given me a greater ability to access my intuition. Paying attention to what I truly feel helps me make better informed decisions. I have come to realize that leaving out my intuition in making decisions is like ignoring a star member of my team. The biggest surprise for me is how easy it is to learn to use this powerful tool."

~H.J., artist, NYC & Sanibel Island, FL

"Over the past three years Jennifer Halls has worked the miracle of helping this hopelessly stubborn Taurean to open my heart and to trust my guides. She has patiently taken me from being mind-driven to spirit-driven in my painting and in my life. I am forever grateful for all that she is."

~C.F., graphic designer, Leesburg, VA

"In struggling to successfully transition into working for myself and running my own business, Jennifer Halls has helped me to identify a tremendous volume of resources. She has helped me find new strengths and gifts within myself. And she has taught me how to use my own inner radar to find powerful connections and opportunities within my business community."

~C.L., marketing & business support services agency owner, Charlotte, NC

"Jennifer Halls has been the perfect guide to help me look within and create a whole new aspect of my career that is exciting, rewarding and a true expression of my heart. Having the opportunity to work with her -- her keen insight, deep spiritual understanding and beautiful heart -- has been blessing! Jennifer’s work is a powerful and true awakening process."

~S. S., clinical psychologist, Fairfax, VA

"As a spiritual guide, Jennifer Halls is gifted, wise, sensitive, fun and thoughtfully provoking. Whether individually or in a group, her guidance has always led me to new insights."

-K.A., corporate mediator, Herndon, VA

"Jennifer Halls you are a steal! It’s not just the hour I spend with you that helps me- your work helps me live a more fulfilled life. I use what I learn to find creative solutions 24/7 with all aspects of my life."

~N.C., administrative assistant, Phoenix, AZ

“Jennifer's seemingly effortless ability to get to the heart of your needs is a testament to just how committed she is to helping others on their path to wholeness." Jennifer’s classes and individual sessions have given me confidence in my own intuition... and renewed focus of my energies as I reach life's crossroads."

~G.T., bank president, SC

"Working with Jennifer Halls gives me insight to my soul and my purpose. I am able to recognize the gifts I have which provide an inner strength and greater understanding of who I really am."

~J.A., RN, MN, executive director, Rock Hill, SC

"Jennifer Halls inspires her students to see the possibilities; to use intuition to focus their energy and passion in powerful new ways. She is an innovative teacher, encouraging her clients to think beyond the ordinary."

J.J., CT

“You have been an inspiration and I wanted to say thank you. You helped me hear my inner voice – that it’s OK to listen to your intuition and follow what it’s telling you. I did that yesterday with a house here – a great house, location, I let it go because something didn’t feel right. I wanted to share with you how much peace I have today because I listened to that voice and acted on it... a habit I’m not accustomed to but am learning to do more often because of what I learned from you.” 

~E.H., university student, Durham, NC

"Jennifer's ability to help access parts of my own personal wisdom, has been an invaluable part of my decision making process. Piles of self-help books and hours of meditation cannot compare to the quality and amount of specific, personal, practical, and highly useful information gleaned from a session with Jennifer Halls."