#157 Creating From the Soul's Appetite

#157 Creating From the Soul's Appetite


The Celt teaches us how to strengthen our immunity, not just for physical…
The Elemental helps us root our core to…
The Lady helps us come from a place of creation that shifts us from…

This teaching is loaded with useful information about creativity, imagination, inspiration and flexibility. Anyone with a desire to align more deeply at a Soul level, for stability and nimbleness, will be served by this TuneInward.

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The Celt teaches us how to strengthen our immunity, not just for physical germs, but to not take on toxic thoughts and emotions. He helps us understand the connection to creativity, inspiration, imagination and spark.
The Elemental helps us root our core to palpably feel our connection to our Soul.
The Lady helps us come from a place of creation that shifts us from ego manifestation to Soul creation.

This teaching is loaded with useful information about creativity, imagination, inspiration and flexibility. Anyone with a desire to align more deeply at a Soul level, for stability and nimbleness, will be served by this TuneInward. 

 Track 1 - Introduction (3:28)
Track 2 – inner Fire Flexibility  (29:28)
Track 3 – Core Creation To Inspiration  (21:27)
Track 4 – Roots Strengthen Soul Connection  (13:29)

 Recorded Live on Zoom On November 8th, 2022, on the full lunar eclipse full moon, in Rock Hill, SC
Features: The Celt, The Lady & The Elemental
Please listen to the introduction or read the transcript of it included in audio folder for important information. Thank you.

#178 Healing Our Heart & Head

#178 Healing Our Heart & Head

#174 Gather Energy Easily & Release Stress

#174 Gather Energy Easily & Release Stress

#173 Soul Speak

#173 Soul Speak

#170 Cultivating Clarity

#170 Cultivating Clarity

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